Walk through our classrooms and you will find an atmosphere that encourages understanding and communication. At St. Theresa School, the educational experience provides academic, spiritual, and social grounding for our students. At each level, children are exposed to a wide range of disciplines, including Arts, Mathematics, Science, Religion, Social Studies, Music, Technology and Physical Education. Accelerated Reader is a reading incentive program built into all grade levels.
Learners in grades K-1 are assessed with the STAR Early Literacy computer adaptive test multiple times throughout the year. This fun, interactive assessment provides teachers and parents with multilayered information that helps drive curriculum. Learners in grades 2-8 are assessed with the STAR tests in Reading and Math five times per year, providing a track of progress and need. STAR tests break down standards within the subject, allowing teachers and parents to address specific learning needs.
The STAR test is mandated by the Diocese of Honolulu and is administered yearly for grades 1-8.
Report cards are shared with parents quarterly, with the option for teacher conferences. Grades and progress can be tracked daily by parents and learners through our School Speak gradebook.
Transitional Kindergarten is a bridge between preschool and kindergarten for children turning 5 years old between August and December. This program gives children the “gift of time” to build the necessary social and academic skills for success throughout their school experience.
Transitional Kindergarten is based on the Hawaii Kindergarten Standards, including focused instruction in literacy and numeracy and a strong emphasis on self-regulation, social skills and responsibility in a safe and nurturing environment. Transitional Kindergarten is taught by loving and highly qualified credentialed teachers with additional training in child development.
HOW IS THE CLASSROOM PROGRAM STRUCTURED? Transitional Kindergarten is a full-day program, M-F, 7:30 am – 2:30 pm. The daily schedule includes whole group interaction and activities, small group instruction, and independent “hands-on” learning. Transitional Kindergarten also includes music, art, physical education, mass, field trips, and all St. Theresa School events and extra-curricular activities.
Kindergarten is an exciting time in every child’s life. It is a time to explore and learn through play, inquiry, and technology. It is a time for emerging readers, mathematicians, scientists, inventors and the like to come to life! Our classroom, indoors and out, provides a wonderful space for young minds to flourish and young bodies to play.
Our mornings begin with prayer and songs together. We work on math together in various ways. We use many hands on manipulatives and math tools to engage the learners. We use real life experiences and fit math into them. Learners begin to learn the relationship between abstract numbers and tangible objects. We do language arts centers where the learners are able to practice reading, writing, and fine motor skills through guided activities. We have integrated technology into all subjects with the introduction of each learner’s chrome books. Science, social studies, art and Physical Education are also a part of each week. Our days are full of learning and fun!
St. Theresa first grade places an emphasis on faith development, quality education, and partnership with parents in a school Ohana (family) Environment. The first grader has a natural sense of awe and wonder of God and of creation. This is developed through religion which is integrated in all areas of the curriculum, daily prayer experiences, participation in weekly mass, and in the fostering, with the help of parents, of Christian attitudes and values. Our school SLE’s are based on the Christian Social Principles and help in this formation.
The Renaissance Program provides our learners with common core and Hawaii State aligned reading and math objectives. Technology is embedded throughout the curriculum and the Renaissance lessons are done online. Our learners explore science concepts and in social studies they learn about the geography of the world as well as citizenship skills. Learners practice handwriting, spelling, and phonics as part of the first grade language arts program. The school has a music program and learners explore their creative ideas in art class.
The second grade classroom is a place that is supportive and nurturing. Our second graders receive individual attention and encouragement as they make the transition from learning-to-read to reading-to-learn. Periodic assessments of reading and math allow the methods and areas of instructions to be driven by data.
Teaching the core areas of language arts, math, science, social studies, and religion are critical. In order to meet the standards for both the second and third grade, the whole class is taught the lessons for both grades as a group, and then the students are given an assignment for their own grade level. This cuts down on frustration levels because they are being appropriately challenged, and it also allows them to get help from their teacher with assignments.
Our mornings begin with Working with Words, a multisensory reading and spelling program that aids students in developing their phonics skills. Children learn by seeing, hearing, and doing.
Second grade is a year of sacramental learning. Religion class includes preparation for receiving the sacraments of First Communion, Confirmation, and Reconciliation.
The third grade classroom is a place that is organized and innovative. Learners receive individual attention and encouragement as they make the transition from learning-to-read to reading-to-learn. Periodic assessments of reading and math allow the methods and areas of instructions to be driven by data.
Teaching the core areas of Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, and Religion are critical. In order to meet the standards for both the second and third grade, the whole class is taught the lessons for both grades as a group, and then the learners are given an assignment for their own grade level. This cuts down on frustration levels because they are being appropriately challenged, and it also allows them to get help from their teacher with assignments.
Our mornings begin with Working with Words, a multisensory reading and spelling program that aids learners in developing their phonics skills. Children learn by seeing, hearing, and doing.